Arbitrum Stylus

Do More. With Stylus. Unlock cheaper memory and compute like never before.


Thanks to a WebAssembly VM, you can deploy Rust smart contracts with seamless interoperability with the EVM.

MultiVM = Mix & Match

This MultiVM paradigm means you can choose which contracts within your protocol to optimize with Stylus.

Safer by Design

Build safer with affordable reentrancy detection. The Rust SDK has reentrancy disabled by default.

One Chain, Many Languages

Leverage familiar tools and frameworks of other languages while also benefiting from their specific features.

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What’s Being Built

See what builders are saying about Stylus.

RenegadeRenegade would not be nearly as fast, cheap, and secure without Stylus. We love the ability to re-use existing Rust cryptography libraries, and we’re blown away by the execution speed and gas efficiency of WASM!Andrew, Founding Engineer
FairblockFairblock chose Stylus because implementing advanced cryptography algorithms is not feasible using pure EVM op codes. We are excited to leverage these cryptography algorithms to unlock applications such as frontrunning protected orders, PVP gaming, mystery NFTs, coersion-resitant voting, and confidential AI.Peyman, Founder
LitAt Lit Protocol, developing on Stylus has empowered us to deliver core platform features, such as programmable key pairs, with long-term scalability in mind. Leveraging Rust’s cryptography libraries and security advantages, combined with Stylus’s seamless interoperability with Solidity, has enabled our team to accelerate development—making feature upgrades as simple as deploying a smart contract.Howard, Sr. Protocol Engineer
SuperpositionStylus marries the best of two worlds: the expressiveness, afforability, and safety of the Rust ecosystem, and the richness of the EVM. We chose Stylus to build the cheapest and safest defi suite on the EVM without compromising on composability. Stylus is the gamechanger that made it all possible.Alex, Founder
CVEXThanks to Stylus, we can fully exploit the potential of Rust, WASM, and LLVM to create advanced and efficient smart contracts, all while preserving complete interoperability with the entire Ethereum ecosystem. This makes Stylus the only real choice for us to implement fully functional portfolio margin management for derivatives trading on-chain.Ivan, CTO
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